1. General Information

The owner of the domain name and the website is Pescados Rubén S.L., a company with registered office at Carretera General, 0 (Bargado), 27780 Foz, Lugo, and tax identification number B27256809.

The website has been developed and is managed by EASY CLIENT, S.L., with registered office at Avenida Gonzalo Navarro, 161, 1st floor, 15570 Narón, A Coruña, and tax identification number B70580923.

The contact details of EASY CLIENT S.L. for matters related to the Website are as follows:

  • Address: Avenida Gonzalo Navarro, 161, 1st floor, 15570 Narón, A Coruña
  • Email:

2. Use of the Website

2.1. The purpose of the website is to provide information to users accessing it. Only individuals of legal age may register on the website.

2.2. These terms of use regulate access to the website by any user (the user), as well as the responsibilities arising from the use of its contents. It will be assumed that any user accessing the website has read and accepted the terms of use published at any given time.

2.3. Likewise, users who register and access any services offered by Pescados Rubén S.L. through the website must be aware of and accept the GENERAL REGISTRATION AND CONTRACTING CONDITIONS.

2.4. The processing of the user's personal data will be governed by the provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY of the website.

3. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of the Website

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the website and its information and contents (including texts, graphics, images, trademarks, distinctive signs, logos, sounds, music, video, designs, creativities, software, codes, as well as any other creation protected by intellectual and industrial property laws) belong to Pescados Rubén S.L.

The website and its contents are protected by current legislation on intellectual and industrial property. EASY CLIENT S.L. does not grant any license, authorization, or assignment of its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other rights related to the website, unless there is an express and written agreement to that effect.

Reproduction, distribution, commercialization, assignment, public communication, disclosure, modification, alteration, or decompilation of the website or any of its elements or services, as well as any other use or act that has not been expressly authorized by the holder of the exploitation rights, or that is not expressly permitted by imperative law, is strictly prohibited.

4. Disclaimers

4.1. Pescados Rubén S.L. does not guarantee, regarding the contents or services of the Website, their quality, continuity, reliability, usefulness, accuracy, or correctness, nor the invulnerability of the Website, the impregnability of the security measures used therein, or the absence of viruses and other harmful components. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pescados Rubén S.L. states that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to ensure the operation of the website and to prevent the transmission of harmful components to users.

4.2. Pescados Rubén S.L. may provide links, websites, content, or services of other companies through the website, as well as facilitate the user's download of third-party software. In these cases, the user understands and accepts that Pescados Rubén S.L. does not control and is not responsible for these contents, services, and products.

5. General

5.1. Pescados Rubén S.L. reserves the right to restrict or cancel access to the website and, if applicable, to cancel the registration or access to services by the User if, in its opinion, the user uses the website to infringe any of the obligations established in this document. Likewise, Pescados Rubén S.L. reserves the right to pursue the breach of the above conditions, as well as any misuse of the contents or services provided through the website, by exercising any legal actions that may correspond.

5.2. Pescados Rubén S.L. reserves the right to make, without prior notice, the modifications it deems appropriate to the website, being able to change, delete, or add both the contents and services it provides, as well as the way in which they are presented or located. The validity of these terms of use will coincide with the time of their publication on the website. The total or partial modification of these terms unilaterally by Pescados Rubén S.L. will imply the publication and entry into force of the new modified terms of use.